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Having been born in Japan, I have always had an interest for Asian cultures. My father was from the USA and my mother was from Australia, so I guess that is why these two countries also have a fascination for me.

My early work in Australia was based on images that were about situations and people who had a great impact on my life. However, I became aware of the power of juxtaposition of unrelated text and images while I was traveling in Japan. There was a sign in the men's toilet that read, "When finish pee, turn cock right". After that. I began to create artworks that combined 'Japlish" with Japanese imagery, to create pictures that were generally amusing but also made social statements.

The images I produced for my MFA, at Rochester Institute of Technology in upper NY, continued the combination of words and imagery. However, in this case, the combinations were used to create fictitious environments by incorporating text in the form of signs, graffiti or quotes to create an amusing or ironic situation.

The work that I exhibited in China consisted of two areas. One was a western take on the stories of the Chinese Gods that reoccur in Buddhist, Taoist and Hindu mythologies, and the other, was the coupling of flora and fauna, which was also founded on Chinese mythology.

My resource material was in the form of manipulated photographs, computer-generated images, hand-made drawings or a combination of all three. The final out-put was achieved through various printmaking processes, as well as digital imaging.

However, with the advent of AI in the arts, which has diminish the value of hand-generated digital art, I am now creating paper sculptures made from second hand books. 



"Everything you can imagine is real."

Pablo Picasso

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